
iGrowl is a lightweight jQuery plugin that generates growl-like notifications with an emphasis on icons. Alerts are fully responsive and CSS animations are used to provide optimal performance. The plugin also includes 4 optional icon packs.


Create your own growl. For more information on each property, see features.



iGrowl has 3 dependencies:

All icon packs have been compiled using the Icomoon app.

To get started, include the following in your project:

<-- dependencies: jQuery + animate.css --> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/animate.min.css">
<script src="javascript/jquery.js">

<-- iGrowl CSS + JS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/igrowl.min.css"> <script src="javascript/igrowl.min.js">
<-- at least one of the following icon stylesheets: --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/vicons.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/feather.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/steadysets.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/linecons.css">

Also, include the respective font files (eg: igrowl-feather.eot, igrowl-feather.svg, igrowl-feather.ttc, etc).

Note: you may need to change the icon CSS paths to the font files depending on how your project is organized.

To install via Bower: $ bower install igrowl.

Getting started


To generate an iGrowl alert, simply call it by:

 message: "Hello world!",
 // other properties...


The full list of iGrowl properties:

type'info'stringType of alert, available options are:
info, success, notice, error, simple
For a more saturated/deeper color style, add the -sat suffix, eg:
info-sat, success-sat, notice-sat, error-sat
titlenullstringAlert title (optional)
messagenullstringAlert message (optional)
iconnullstringIcon class (optional), in the form of
linknullstringEncapsulates the entire alert in a link
targetselfstringAnchor target of alert (if link property above is specified), options are:
self, blank
image[src]nullstringImage source to include in alert - overrides icon.
image[class]nullstringClasses to add to div containing the image (optional).
delay2500numberDelay before alert auto-dismisses (optional). Set to 0 for persistence.
smallfalsebooleanSize of alert - either regular or small
spacing30numberSpacing between alerts
placement[x]'right'stringHorizontal placement, accepts:
left, center, right
placement[y]'top'stringVertical placement, accepts:
top, bottom
offset[x]20numberHorizontal offset from edge of window
offset[y]20numberVertical offset from edge of window
animationtruebooleanEnable or disable animation
animShow'bounceIn'stringAlert animation on enter
animHide'bounceOut'stringAlert animation on exit
onShownullfunctionFunction to run once enter animation begins, will not run if animation is set to false
onShownnullfunctionFunction to run once enter animation completes
onHidenullfunctionFunction to run once exit animation begins, will not run if animation is set to false
onHiddennullfunctionFunction to run once exit animation completes

Note: alerts do not necessarily need both a message and a title.

You can include links in alerts through 2 ways:

 title : 'This item right <a href="http://www.link.com">here</a> is a link',
 // other properties

For a detailed example, see here.

Changing default settings

To change the default settings:

$.iGrowl.prototype.defaults.property_name = desired_default

// examples $.iGrowl.prototype.defaults.icon = 'feather-cog' $.iGrowl.prototype.defaults.placement.y = 'bottom'

Public Methods

You can manually dismiss individual alerts by:

var growl = $.iGrowl({ title: 'Welcome to the jungle' })


To dismiss all alerts, call $.iGrowl.prototype.dismissAll( placement ):

// dismisses all alerts

// dismisses all alerts at right top
$.iGrowl.prototype.dismissAll('right top')

// dismisses all alerts at center bottom
$.iGrowl.prototype.dismissAll('center bottom')


Simple growl alert with icon, title and message.

 title: 'Having issues?',
 message: 'Chat with a technician for support',
 icon: 'vicons-support'

Displaying an error in the bottom-center position.

 type: 'error',
 title: 'Uh oh - something went wrong!',
 icon: 'linecons-fire',
 placement : {
  x: 	'center',
  y: 	'bottom'

Small alert with no animation.

 title: 'Welcome to the internet!',
 message: 'We hope you enjoy your stay.',
 small: true,
 animation: false,
 delay: 3000

Alert containing an image.

/* custom styling */
.example-image img {
 border-radius: 50%;
 border: 3px solid #FACC54;
 type: 'notice',
 delay: 5000,
 title: 'New friend request',
 message: 'Greg Jackson has sent you a friend invite!',
 image: {
  src: './images/user.jpg',
  class: 'example-image'

Alert containing a link with a _blank anchor target, and an alert containing a link in the message property.

// entire alert is a link
 icon : 'feather-image',
 message : 'Looking for a great image gallery?',
 link : 'http://imgur.com/',
 target : 'blank',
 delay : 6000

// link is contained in part of the message
 icon : 'feather-image',
 // message uses: <a href="http://imgur.com/" target="_blank">Click here</a>'
 message : 'Looking for a great image gallery? Click here',
 delay : 6000

Persistent alert 100px from the top and 80px spacing between alerts.

 type: 'success',
 icon: 'vicons-envelope',
 message: 'You have mail!',
 delay: 0,
 spacing: 80,
 offset : {
  y: 	100

fadeInLeftBig and fadeOutDown animations, and onHidden callback.

 type: 'notice',
 message: 'The item has been added to your cart',
 icon: 'vicons-cart',
 placement : {
  x: 	'center'
 animShow: 'fadeInLeftBig',
 animHide: 'fadeOutDown',
 onHidden: function(){
  alert('alert is now hidden!')

Custom styles & icon sets

Creating your own custom styles is easy.

.igrowl-customeName {
 background: customColor;
 border-color: customColor;
 .igrowl-message { color: customColor; }
 .igrowl-title { color: customColor; }
 .igrowl-icon { color: customColor; }

and then use your style by:

 type : 'customName',
 // other properties

You can use your own icon sets. If they're images, just pass the source path to the image[src] property. If you're trying to incorporate an icon font, try to follow the iGrowl font structure by using one of the iGrowl font icon css (ie: linecons.css, vicons.css, etc) for reference.

By default, when you pass an icon name to iGrowl such as linecons-pen it adds the i-linecons-pen class to the div containing the icon. To set up your icon set:

[class^="i-iconSetName-"], [class*=" i-iconSetName-"]  {
 font-family: 'iconSetName';
 /* other styling (see icon css for reference)  */

Then assign each icon a unicode/ligature:

.i-iconSetName-iconName:before {
 content: "icon-code";

To use via iGrowl:

 icon : 'iconSetName-iconName',
 // other properties


If you find any bugs, have feature requests, or would like to contribute - either send me a pull request or open a ticket and I'll do my best to follow up on it.

Developed and maintained by Catalin Covic under the MIT license.